
Planning for a Bright Future

About Me

Planning for a Bright Future

When I graduated college, I landed a dream job teaching accounting at a university. For five years I enthusiastically taught my students important accounting principles. During this time, I put a significant portion of my paychecks into a retirement fund. Because I’ve always been extremely conservative with my finances, I invested all of my cash into money market funds. Unfortunately, this decision did not yield great results. Now that I’m older and wiser, I’d like to rectify the retirement mistake I made when I was younger. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of funds to include in your retirement portfolio. Enjoy!

Why You Should Start Using Independent Broker Dealers As An Independent Financial Planner

As a financial planner, your clients depend on you for advice and access to the best stocks and mutual funds. But what if your current set of financial products isn't quite getting the job done? Today, more and more financial planners are choosing to branch out on their own by working with independent broker-dealers. An independent broker-dealer may be able to provide you and your clients with access to additional financial products that might be a better fit for your current financial strategy. Read More 

3 Ways To Grow Your Wealth Outside Of Your 401(K) In Your 50S

In your 50s, you really need to start looking at ways to build your wealth that fall outside of your 401(k) and traditional retirement savings. Use this decade to diversify your investments and your wealth. Diversifying your investments and your wealth now will help you have a more enjoyable retirement. #1 Consider An Investment Property First, consider purchasing an investment property. There are a few different ways you can approach an investment property. Read More